Things a Burglar Will Never Tell You

home security

Burglars study their environments carefully so they know what and where the good stuff to steal is kept. Listen to their advice on how to stay safe. When it comes to true grit and burglary know how the bad guys prove themselves to be a wealth of information.

When it comes to scoping out your home, learning the best places to break and enter, and identifying the most secure ways to prevent a burglary, you can read crime tips, watch TV shows, and even talk to the cops. But the best way to learn how to really keep your home safe from unwanted visitors is to listen to what the criminals themselves have to say.

There are former criminals who now educate communities about how to avoid being the victim of crimes they once committed. And in large measure, these criminals have proven to be the real experts when it comes to home safety, the things that make homes not so safe, and the best ways to keep burglars like them out and your valuables in your home, exactly where you want them to be.

A Burglar’s Perspective on Home Security and Thefttips from burglars

It may not be the kind of job we are going for, but the truth is told, home burglaries are a pretty lucrative business for some.  In fact, those who have been at it for years know how to be discreet, inconspicuous, and get the most bang for your buck! While we certainly do not encourage anyone to become a thief, there is a tremendous amount of knowledge to be garnered from those in the know.

Have a look at the tips below, all of which are advice and perspectives from criminals who know what to look for. Listen to what they have to say about the telltale signs of a home that is a worthy target. 

We love it when you announce vacations on your social media.

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and all your other favorite social media platforms are your friends, but they are also some of the best tools of our trade. Folks forget sometimes that it is not only friends and family who can see their posts but friends of their friends’ friends, too. What we burglars look for are proclamations of your latest purchases, your exciting, upcoming trips, and even information about the cars and jewelry you have your eye on.  What these statements tell us would-be thieves is that you are in the market for a big purchase or trip away. What we take from that is that there are money and valuables already in your home and that if we play our cards right, we will have access to those items when you are on your trip in the near future.  Suffice it to say that you do not want “likes” on your posts from any of us.

Newspapers that collect on your lawn tell me that you are not around.

 If you leave a collection of letters, newspapers, or periodicals on your front lawn, you are letting every burglar in the neighborhood know that you are not home. If you also leave empty garbage cans by your house, or if there are no footprints leading to your door during particularly precipitous weather, I see that as close to a guarantee that I can safely and discreetly break-in as I will ever get.

Beware of the repairman.

Do not think that every refrigerator, washing machine, or oven repairman is a bad guy, but some of us use those jobs as a way of securing an entrance back into your home when you least expect it.  Ask yourself why the repairman keeps looking at rooms that have nothing to do with the broken appliance he is supposed to be fixing. Check the bathrooms after we leave to make sure we have not left a window open so we can get back in that way.  In general, it pays to be nice. But in a burglar’s line of work, nice is not that nice after all.

Home Theft Tips and Deterrents

theft deterrents

Not only do burglars know how to get into your home, but what you can do to keep them out, too. When it comes to theft deterrents and burglar- proofing your house, the best people to learn from are the criminals who have perfected their craft.  

  1. Keep all your doors locked.  This tip should not even be necessary, but we see it all the time.  Folks leave their back doors unlocked and sometimes open because they are oblivious to the fact that bad stuff happens in every neighborhood.  Your doors are the easiest entryway for the people who live there as well as the burglars who want to get in. Do not make it easy for a thief to break and enter.
  2. Install locks and security systems that are hard to break into.  We get it- you want your locks to match the decor of your home and the look of the neighborhood. Here is the thing though; burglars do not care about how pretty your door is because we are far more concerned with what you have behind that door.  Use codes on your security systems that are not obvious to the public and go for sturdy in all methods of security, all the time.
  3. Close your blinds, shades, and curtains. Burglars understand that you want a little more light to shine in, or perhaps to make your rooms look airy, bigger.  When you do that though, especially when you are not home, we get to take window shopping to a new and literal level.

Call On Time Locksmiths to find out the best ways to keep your home safe, burglar- free, and secure.  Our service is exceptional and your peace of mind, invaluable.

What Customers Say About Us

Jannie W.
W. 29th street

Dave is great! He was punctual and professional. And after installing the new locks on all of our doors, he cleaned up after himself! The same cannot be said for the last service I hired… would definitely recommend and use again!

Adrian Stanton
S Kenton Ave

We live not too far from Chicago and I spend about a hour and a half to get to my office. Mornings are always in a hurry for me and a broken door would be the worst I could expect. However, this was exactly what happened. I had no time to lose and so I called 247 Ontime Locksmiths. The expert guy from Locksmiths could fix the problem and I could go to work.

Tim Lewis
E Van Buren St

My car door didn’t open at all. Just a phone call to 24/7 Local Locksmiths and in less than 15 minutes I could drive my car again! Good job!