When Is It Time To Replace A Lock?

old door locks that need to be upgraded

Door locks are the first line of defense that your home has against intruders. Be sure that you know when to replace your door locks so that your home stays protected at all times.

How do you know when it’s time to replace your home door locks? This is a question that we get asked very often. Locks are here to protect us, which is why it is so important to keep an eye on them. A lock that for whatever reason is not functioning properly has got to be replaced, otherwise, it is useless as a home security tool. From our team’s experience, not only does an aged or faulty lock fail to protect a home, many times, a broken lock can do a lot of harm, as it can get stuck, locking residents either inside or outside their home. A jammed lock that is not dealt with properly can cause many issues and can ultimately cost a homeowner a lot more money to deal with after the fact than it would have cost to simply replace the lock altogether when it began aging. The time to change home locks is when you face any of the following scenarios.

Have you recently experienced a break-in?  

What’s worse than experiencing a home break-in? Experiencing a second home break-in. It is important to realize that if your house was broken into, it is not difficult for thieves to do it a second time. Sometimes, when burglars break-into a home, along with all the valuables that they steal, they often take spare house keys. The keys that they take with them can be used down the road to gain access to your home easily when you’re not around. For this reason, you should replace your home locks after a break-in, even if the burglar did not gain entry into your home via your front door.  

key stuck in lockDoes your key gets stuck or jammed in the lock regularly?

The most important time to have your locks changed is when they stop working well. Old locks jam, they start falling out of the door, and keys get stuck in them when you try to unlock the door. There are so many issues that come up with aging door locks and at the end of the day, they can fail to protect from intruders. Avoid possible security vulnerability in your home by replacing broken and faulty locks.

If it's been several years 

Even if your door isn't warped, your locks may not all be functioning properly. Rust or debris caught in locks can cause keys to stick or break and older locks may become more brittle over time causing them to be more difficult to operate. It's important to be aware of a deadbolt lock is not engaging fully by turning all the way and sliding the lock into the door frame. This could make the lock easier to force open, and your home more vulnerable.

When you're needing an upgrade 

If you've considered upgrading to more high tech security for your home or office, there has never been a better time. With so many new products on the market, upgrading security has never been so simple or affordable. Keyless entry, coded systems, fingerprint scanners, and remotes have become the fresh, more convenient way to secure your building. And with many custom options like tracking and time stamps, you have the capability of seeing who has entered or exited your office and when. Alarm systems, surveillance cameras and remote access to your home are all more advanced now with capabilities to sync security information to your smartphone and change codes and access frequently.

Did you move into a new home recently?

Moving into a new home can make you a target for burglary and theft with so many people coming and going all the time, your valuable possessions being in view and many appliances still inboxes. It's important to remember that one of the first lines of defense of your home is to eliminate any unknown people who may have keys to your home. Friends, family members or neighbors of the previous residents could have keys to your home. Having the locks changed is one of the simplest ways to increase security during this vulnerable time.

When employees leave or lose keys

When an employee leaves the office or is fired, they are usually asked to turn in all keys to the office, or their card entry is deactivated. However, employees that have lots of keys, refuse to turn them in or have forgotten to bring them may pose a security threat. Once again, eliminating excess people with keys to space decreases the chance for a security breach.

old door locks

If your door isn't closing properly

If you have to lift the door, put pressure on it, or hold it just right for the latch to engage, chances are, your lock is not functioning optimally. warped doors, loose fixtures, and faulty locks tend to only get worse over time. When you notice any of these indicators, it's best to call a locksmith to assess the lock function. He may recommend a new lock installation or there could be another fix. 

Did you and your boyfriend just split up?

Breakups are horrible for so many reasons. If your ex is unstable or especially clingy after you’ve broken up, you know you have an issue. After a painful split, the last thing you need to worry about is your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend coming into your home in the middle of the night because she/he has a duplicate house key. A great time to replace a door lock is after a break-up. 

On Time Locksmiths is ready to assist you with your lock replacement or any of your home locksmith needs. Call us today!

What Customers Say About Us

Jannie W.
W. 29th street

Dave is great! He was punctual and professional. And after installing the new locks on all of our doors, he cleaned up after himself! The same cannot be said for the last service I hired… would definitely recommend and use again!

Adrian Stanton
S Kenton Ave

We live not too far from Chicago and I spend about a hour and a half to get to my office. Mornings are always in a hurry for me and a broken door would be the worst I could expect. However, this was exactly what happened. I had no time to lose and so I called 247 Ontime Locksmiths. The expert guy from Locksmiths could fix the problem and I could go to work.

Tim Lewis
E Van Buren St

My car door didn’t open at all. Just a phone call to 24/7 Local Locksmiths and in less than 15 minutes I could drive my car again! Good job!